Sunday, January 26, 2025

Session 18 and 19: the Bandits

  •  Having defeated Thrax on the Serpent Isle, the party rows their little boat back to shore.
  • They meet the man they rented the boat from and some other fishermen. They return the boat.
  • The locals are impressed that they even returned from the island alive, and more so that they defeated the Thrax.
  • It is getting late. The locals invite them to spend the night in their village, Ilwon. They say the roads in the vicinity are plagued by bandits.
  • They villagers have a feast for the PCs in the banquet hall, where they meet Ceerin, the village elder, a 90 year old woman.
  • The hall has a big mural of people in battle against tall thin pale humanoids, who they find out legend says are the Yith, who drove the ancestors of the villagers from their home in the foothills to the north. 
  • The PCs learn that the village is being terrorized regularly by bandits operating in the region. A young girl tells Debi she knows the direction they come from. He leads the PCs to a small road - really more of a trail. Debi makes a history roll and remembers lore of a warlord who operated from the direction the trail is going about 200 years go.
  • The PCs set out to take care of the bandits
  • On the first day of travel the party is attacked by 6 bandits. They kill the bandits and continue
  • After another day they come to a huge clearing with a tower in the middle on a hill. 
  • They use the cover of darkness to creep up on the tower, within 60 feet. 
  • Simon casts Silence on the hillside entrance to the barracks under the tower. The party takes out the guards in silence. 
  • Simon used Guiding Bolt on a guard. Inside, the bandit leader makes a passive perception roll and notices the bolt of light.
  • The party enters the complex through that hillside entrance.
  • Having noticed the guiding bolt, the bandit leader unleashes the bandits on the party, at one point having them surrounded. The party kills all of them. The bandit leader then takes them on, doing some damage, but eventually also getting killed.
  • The party searches the tower, finding some gold and silver, valuable looking small relics, and a scroll in a metal cylinder. 
End of session.
3 days passed
Time elapsed in campaign: 12 weeks
XP per character: 257

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