Deities and Religion

With the decline of the Fey, the Source and Anti-Source have become the dominant supernatural powers in the Langwonian Universe.

Both are non-corporeal intelligent supernatural forces. The Source represents Good, the Anti-Source evil. Each of them employs thousands of avatars - created beings - to do their will. Avatars of the Source appear as angelic beings of light and energy, sometimes taking vaguely human outlines. Avatars of the Anti-Source appear as physical beings -- Lovecraftian demonic nightmares.

One such being is Akhi, Lady of Rebirth, Avatar of The Source. Akhi appears in a halo of golden light, usually as a blurry human-like form. Akhi's domain is Life and Rebirth, the antithesis of necromantic magic. She empowers her priesthood with powerful spells to further her goals and maintain the balance of Life and Death. The Langwonian universe is rough and pitiless, and while Akhi is Good, she has a harsh sense of justice that is passed on to her priesthood. She, and they, are no pushovers. 

In this world, Evil is REALLY Evil, and Good is a very tough and harsh Good.

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