
All the standard armor types are available.

In town, you will usually see only the city guard in medium or heavy armor. Oh, sure, you might see people leaving town or on business wearing heavier armor, but you will not see people at the tavern wearing Heavy armor. You might see adventurers wearing a metal breast plate, but you will not see even half-plate armor in casual use. Who would do that?

Leather or studded leather armor are common, but often worn under a cloak. You might wear a chain shirt under your tunic. But most people will be unarmored or at most in leather armor.

Heavier armor is encouraged if PCs are going into a major battle or going outside the city into the wildnerness, but in the city where stealth might be important it might seem very weird to wear heavy armor.

Note: heavy armor forces Disadvantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks. 

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