Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Session 14: The Eye of the Moon

  •  A month has passed since the last adventure
  • Debi is invited to the Eye of the Moon festival, right before the once every ten years astronomical event is to happen
  • Simon is tasked with representing the Temple of Ahki at the festival
  • Mick is approached by Slovas, a fellow thief and rogue, to work the crowed at the festival to see that valuables they can lift
  • Simon goes early to check out Festival Square
  • The festival starts
  • Mick and Slova pick some pockets for about 10 silver
  • Simon has a tent right next to the Temple of the Rat God tent. The Rat Priest heals someone and impresses the crowd. Simon sees someone with a rotten leg being wheeled up to the Ahki tent in a cart
  • Debi shows up and gets ready to entertain
  • Simon does a very theatrical job of healing the farmer with the injured and rotting leg, impressing the crowd with the Power of Ahki and making the Rat God priest look like an amateur.
  • Mick and Slovas fail to steal a fancy bracelet from a noble woman. One of her bodyguards kicks Slovas in the ass and sends him on his way. He pretends to be a drunk (always a good ploy).
  • The time approaches
  • Debi begins her set, on a small stage 20' in front of the large platform full of VIPs, including council members, the head of the Merchant's Guild and his 2nd in command, and various other dignitaries
  • A float looking like a 20' diameter moon is brought out on a cart. This Eye of the Moon has a 2' diameter pupil, the center of which is 13' up. The cart is release a red mist, to mimic the red mist that is covering the real moon as the "pupil" makes its way into position. The float has flame along its sides.
  • Debi sees an arrow slit open in the pupil, and a crossbow bolt narrowly missed the head of the Merchant's guild. She is on the stage with the VIPs and tackles him to get him out of the way. She sees another bolt being aimed, and used Mage Hand to close the slit, ruining the shot.
  • Mick sees that something is happening
  • Simon runs forward
  • Debi runs toward the float as does Mick. They see an assassin drop out of the float, crank a lever on the side of the cart, and run.
  • They chase. 
  • The circular moon float rolls off the cart, flaming, through the crowd, causing more chaos
  • Mick hit's the assassin with 3 magic missiles knocking him down
  • Simon arrives
  • The assassin gets up and runs
  • Debi casts Suggestion, making him slow down to talk. She casts Charm Person and gets him to stop and cooperate. He fails all the saves.
  • The PCs apprehend him, and he admits the 2nd in command of the Merchant's Guild paid him to kill the head of the guild.
  • The head of the council asks them to meet her at the council chambers the next day, saying "You are certain and odd three..."
Session over.
Elapsed time in campaign: 11 weeks
XP: 100 each

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