Sunday, September 15, 2024

Session 7: Heist

We start where we left of, the party still standing in the ritual chamber deep under Demonheads Brewery. 

They PCs ask the one captive who has given up if they should expect more trouble on the way out. He says yes, there are guard where they entered, and probably more on the way. 

The party returns to the upper level of the temple. Mick climbs up the previously discovered ladder leading up one of the two ventilation pipes to the surface. Near the top he comes to the iron grate. With a coin with the light cantrip held between his teeth, he attempts to pick the lock on the grate, but fails. 

He goes back down. After conferring with the others, he follows Debi back up the ladder and assists her, with her darkvision, and she picks the lock. Debi stands up inside the massive metal demonhead statue in front of the brewery and tell the others to come up. Debi sees that the mouth in hinged, and there is a lever. She pulls the lever, and the mouth opens with a clang, allowing her to exit.  Mick follows her and hides in an alley across the street. A guard comes around to check on the clanging sound. Debi casts Charm Person on him, but it fails. He's trying to figure out how she is. Simon climbs out of the tunnel and misses him with Sacred Flame. Mick shoots him with an arrow and takes him out. The rest of the party exits the tunnel and they take off through the alleys. The Slash Sisters escort the captive to the city gates and tell him to scram.  The PCs take the ritual book back to the Temple of Ahki.

They get back to the temple the sun rises, and find Abbot Lightman talking to another priest. He sends the other priest away, and greets the three PCs. They tell him what they found, that apparently Rivas Greel is involved in the cult, that the priestess is dead, and they show him the ritual book. He thanks them, says he'll take care of the book, says they should get some rest and to come back once they have rested and he will reward them. They leave the book with him and agree on a meeting time.

When they come back, Lightman comes out and says "So, you're back! What did you find?" Confused, the PCs explain that they saw him last night, that he as speaking with Brother Michael when they arrived, and they gave him the book. Michael confirms this. It is clear that someone was INSIDE the temple, someone impersonated Abbot Lightman down to the correct voice, and they had given the book away!

Lightman is not angry. They have all been fooled. Lightman thinks they are on the right track and tells them they should continue their investigation. They go to the Eye of the Beholder tavern to plan.

They assume Rivas now knows who they are, but they know where he lives, and Mick has a third-floor flat next to his estate. They go there to spy. 

That night, after Rivas and Larsh leave for a night of drinking, the Debi and Mick climb to the roof. They see the goblin worg-keeper/gateman, as he closes the gate behind Rivas. Debi casts sleep, knocking him out. Mick and Debi easily scale the fence after Simon uses Thaumaturgy to create a ruckus far from the gate to distract the worgs. It works. Mick and Debi quickly let him in, and they quickly drag the goblin inside the house, binding and gagging him before he can wake. 

They explore the first floor, finding nothing of interest. On the 2nd floor they find the library, where Rivas has many works of occult art, books, scrolls, etc. They see the book they gave away -- the Ritual Book of Sethi. As they search the room, a door opens and they see a large man in black robes in the doorway. He casts stinking cloud, sickening all three, then uses Mage Hand to grab the book and run down the hall. The three PCs all make their saving throw on the next round, and follow him. He is nearly at the top of the spiral staircase to the third floor when Debi blasts him with Thunderwave, hitting him hard. He drops the ritual book on the stairs.  Simon hits him with Guiding Bolt, doing massive damage. Mick dashes up the steps, grabs the book, and using his quick retreat bonus action to come back down.  The wizard casts Magic Missile, hitting Debi and Simon each with two missiles. Simon runs up the steps and misses with his mace. Debi hits with Dissonant Whispers,  and from below, Mick hits the wizard with his short bow, killing him. He falls down the steps at Debi's feet. 

They loot his body, finding some gold and gems as well as magic bracers. Mick searches the hallway for secret doors. He finds the Wizards workshop as well as a hidden compartment with a ladder leading to the third floor and down to the basement. They check the rest of the house, including the third floor which is Rivas' quarters. They find his notes about his journey to the Old City and numerous old texts. as well as four magic scrolls. Simon and Debi go to the basement, where Simon finds a tunnel leading to another ladder, which leads up to the locked shed across the alley, outside the ways. The PCs use that to exit the compound. 

End of session.
Great use of spells, skills, stealth, planning, and roleplaying. Smart play.
2 days elapsed. 
Total game time passed. 2 weeks 2 days.
XP for this session: 125
All PC can now to go 3rd level, where they will likely be for some time.

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