On the way out of the Temple of Sethi the party stops to check a few things. They discover that the dagger in the skull, on the sacrificial platform, is only a fancy lever to open the secret door, not a real dagger. Mick finds another secret door, but is unable to figure out how to open it.
They go back to the Temple of Ahki, so that Simon can report in to Abbot Lightman regarding the excursion. The Abbot compliments them on a job well done, accepts 25gp for the temple from the loot found, and casts spells on the magic ruby, discovering it is cursed. Again, he compliments the group on using Debi's Mage Hand spell to handle it, rather than touching it directly. He orders that it be locked away in the temple's vault and made secure.
The Abbot says that the evil cleric is not talking. Simon can tell he is frustrated, as he doesn't want to let her go, but also has no desire to keep prisoner in the temple's dungeon indefinitely. Debi suggests that you might catch more flies with honey, and asks to take the cleric some blankets and some wine to try to loosen her tongue.
As Simon leads Debi down to the small cell block in the basement, Mick chats up Abbot Lightman to find out about temple.
In the basement, Simon and Debi come to the wooden door to the small row of cells. Debi opens the viewing window and sees the cleric asleep on a stone slab, gagged, with her hands bound in front of her. Debi casts a Charm spell on her from behind the door (DM rolls in secret for the cleric's save -- which is a natural 20! Secret roll - Debi doesn't know if it worked). They enter the cell, removing the gag but not the bonds, and offer her some wine. Debi uses her high charisma to great effect, softening the woman's mood a bit. Simon plays bad cop to some extent. Debi play a song on her lyre, about the recent adventure. The cleric compliments her, still refuses to give her name, but does say that if they release her she'll take them back to the temple and show them what that ruby is for, which is valuable info. Then she clams up again.
Abbot Lightman suggests that the group get some sleep, that Mick get cleaned up (he is still slimed up from the monster fight), and the celebrate their success. He praises Simon for his skill as well as his friends.
The next day they meet at the Eye of the Beholder for lunch. While there a larger party enters the tavern. The center of attention is a man recognized by Mick as a "Scumtown Noble" name Rivas Greel. He and his party are loud and celebratory. Debi takes the stage to entertain and get a good view of the tavern. Mick sees the thief he met up on the roof a few days before in the bar. They all notice that Rivas is eating his steak with a very very nice jewel-hilted dagger. This draws Mick's attention. He wanders by the table and overhears Rivas bragging about his recent adventure and engages Rivas in conversation. Entertained by Debi's music Rivas is in a great and talkative mood. His massive bodyguard is stern and unimpressed. Apparently he recently "lead" a group of adventurers to the Old City, days away in the mountains, where a few perished but the rest got away with loot, including this beautiful dagger! He LOVES it. The PCs notice that the pommel on the weapon is molded into the likeness of demon, much like the statues they saw in the Temple of Sethi. (at this point we've made lots of perception and skill rolls with a lot of roleplaying interaction).
Simon quietly says a prayer -- actually a Detect Magic spell -- and sees that dagger has a magic aura. The PCs also notice that Rivas and his bodyguard are both wearing small wolf-face amulets. These are also radiating magic (which I forgot to tell the PCs, and will have to tell on the next session).
The Rivas party breaks up and Rivas and the bodyguard leave. Debi and Mick stealth along the busy streets trailing them deeper into Scumtown. They see them go up to an estate with 15' stone walls and enter the front gate.
The group meets back up and consults with Abbot Lightman and Mick's mentor, Blix Yodarian.
The Abbot suggest to Simon that he should investigate, since the dagger does look like it could be connected to whatever evil source the cult worships. Blix Yodarian, a 300 year old gnome Arcane Trickster and Mick's mentor, is excited and impressed by his student's exploits. He tells Mick that if he'll bring that dagger to him to see (stealing it from Rivas Greel), he thinks Mick will be ready to start learning some magic. He says, regarding Rivas, "the fool doesn't even know what he's got!", adding the he'd pilfer the house too.
The group scouts out Rivas's estate, but can't see a lot due to the high walls. There is a tall house, probably three stories, and trees on the other side. Rather then burgle the place, they decide to try picking Rivas's pocket and getting the dagger as a first try.
Night falls. The fog rolls in.
Debi uses her disguise kit to make Mick up as an old beggar. The group waits in an alley across the street, and Mick takes to the role out on the sidewalk, walking like a stooped cripple and begging from passersby. Finally Rivas and his bodyguard come out the gate. The teams sees the gate is opened by a skinny goblin. Quickly, Debi gives Mick Bardic Inspiration, and Simon casts bless on him. Properly magically boosted, Mick approaches the duo. Rivas is still in a fantastic mood, and says "Larsh, give this man a few coppers." Mick accepts the offer in his cup and falls upon Rivas in gratitude, attempting to steal the dagger from inside his tunic. Mick fails his roll badly! He then makes a Deception roll with a very high roll, and manages to play off the incident as clumsiness. The bodyguard pulls him away and the pair continue on their way.
End of session. Excellent roleplaying! The group will continue to Plan B in the next session.
Game days elapsed: 4
Time in session. 3.5 hours
XP awards (to be added at the end), 30 for fantastic roleplaying! So proud of our players! Great stuff! and 25 for great use of skills and abilities out of combat. Resourceful and creative.
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