Sunday, January 26, 2025

Session 20: the Scroll

 The party begins still at the bandit tower, having killed all the bandits, looted the tower finding some gold, silver, artifacts, and a scroll in a metal cylinder. 

They need to find a way to prove to the villagers in Ilwon that they killed the bandits. They decide to throw the bodies in Mick's portable hole and just take them back to the village. 

They take a short rest and regain some hit points and set off to return to Ilwon.

Day and night 1 or travel are uneventful. They get a long rest. 

Day 2 of travel is uneventful. They arrive back at Ilwon, show the bodies to the villagers, and there is a big impromptu party for them that night. 

They return to Langwon the next day via the north gate. 

They have examined the scroll and found that it has a picture of a cliff face with two triangular pylons in front of it, and in arcane text there there is a spell incantation that will cause some kind of door to open. There is no indication where it is located.

The PCs begin to research the scroll. Simon takes it to the Temple of Ahki and checks in. Bishop Lightman has no idea where it is, but says that in the foothills and the Iron Claw mountains there are lots of weird sites.

Debi goes to the World Library but finds nothing. She is told to come back with the actual scroll and perhaps an old librarian will know something about it.

Mick goes to visit his mentor, Blix Yodarian. They catch up. Blix does not know anything about the described scroll, but says that maybe someone else who has travelled up north would know something. Mick asks him if he thinks the PCs are skilled enough to venture to the Old City. Blix says they are getting close, but at this point should take their friend Lorian, the fighter, and at least two more skilled fighters, as the Old City is very dangerous.

Debi returns to the library with Simon and the scroll. They asked the old librarian to look at the scroll. Before she makes a research roll, Debit uses Bardic Inspiration on her and Simon cast Bless. With the extra buff the librarian easily makes the roll. 

She tells them the pylons look like those said to mark the stronghold of the ancient wizard Straja Lament. She was a wizard who came from the barbarian tribes in the mountains, and is said to have died in battle with rival tribes. The stronghold is supposed to be somewhere in the Great Canyon, which runs hundreds of miles east to west across the foothills. Simon studies some maps of the area to the north. 

The group convenes at the Eye of the Beholder tavern. They decide to put together an expedition to find the stronghold. Lorian agrees to go with him, as do their old allies the Slash Sisters. They discuss what preparations. The 2 PCs retire to their rooms at the Inn of the Eye nextdoor. Simon has the scroll.

Simon awakens in the night to find two thieves in his room, one about to go out his window, the other holding the scroll cylinder. Simon cast Command on the guy with the scroll, but he saves. Simon then blasts him with Sacred Flame. The other thief goes out the third floor window, climbing down. Debi is awakened when Simon casts Guiding Bolt on the guy. She grabs her short sword and find Simon's door open. Mick awakens as well. Debi uses Mage Hand to snatch the scroll from the thief by surprise (using a contest of STR vs her spell attack modifier). Simon is blocking the window. Mick tackles the thief. Simon sees the other running away and jumps from the window, taking 14 points of damage from the fall! He pursues the fleeing thief, casting Sacred Flame repeatedly. 

In Simon's room, the thief stops resisting (with Mick's dagger at his throat). Debi uses a Persuasion vs Wisdom contest, and persuades him to tell them he was hired by Clovis the Hook, a local scumbag known to Mick. He knows nothing else. They let him go.

Simon uses his Jump ring to land in front of the first thief, who gives up. He's tired of getting hit with Sacred Flame. He's tough, but he's a thief and doesn't want to fight. He begs Simon to let him go. Simon makes him promise to do penance and give money to the Temple of Ahki and lets him go.

End of session.
Days passed. 6.
Time elapsed in campaign. 12 weeks.
No XP awarded yet, but will get 100 for roleplaying and 100 for great skill use and clever play, each. 

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