Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Session 15: the Serpent Tower

Thanks to the late Robert E. Howard for the inspiration for this (and probably the next) session. 
  • The PCs get a long rest
  • The next morning, Abbot Lightman calls Simon in, telling him it is time for him to leave the temple for a year. He says that Simon is clearly has extraordinary potential, and he will not realize that potential burning incense in the temple. He needs to be out in the world.
  • Simon moves into a room at the Inn of the Eye, next door to the Eye of the Beholder.
  • The next day the PCs meet with the head of the town council, Lana Setch. She greets them, offers them a drink, and thanks them on behalf of the council for saving the head of the Merchants Guild. She gives them each a bag with 20 gp, and she describes their adventures she had heard about. They are on her radar.  
  • As they leave the council building, Mick sees a gem merchant (fence) he knows -- Lando Falrisian. They agree to meet at the Eye of the Beholder that evening.
  • At the Eye, Lando gets increasingly drunk, and blabbers loudly about a wondrous legendary diamond, the Heart of the Serpent, hidden somewhere in the tower on the Serpent Isle.  Mick chats him up about it. Debi overhears it, as does Simon. Debi makes a history roll, and her study of local legends pays off. She remembers a legend of the cultist Thrax Sobranis imprisoning a Serpent God in the tower 200 years ago, on what has come to be called the Serpent's Isle.
  • Lando agrees that he'll find a buyer for the Heart of the Serpent if Mick and his crew can steal it, which he doubts, due to tales of parties that never returned from the island. 
  • The PCs get ready for an expedition. They have found out the that Isle is a few miles north of the city wall, where the river widens out into a lake. The tower is an ancient guard post, built at the high point of a small wooded island. 
  • Simon readies his spells. 
  • Mick seeks out extra muscle for the venture. He finds Lorian the Knife has been fired by Rivas -- a falling out of sorts -- as Rivas' wife (wives) found Lorian attractive. Lorian, somewhat aimless, agrees to go on the adventure.
  • Debi researches the Heart of the Serpent legend in Langon's World Library. She finds 2 things - 1) "All that remains of the god and his minions are the guardian creatures they left" and 2) a theory that "The Serpent God is not a god, but a flesh and blood being from another world"
  • Mick visits an alchemist and spends his last 50 gold on a vial of anti-toxin.
  • They set out, leaving the walls of the city, travelling through the slum ring just outside the gates, then the agricultural ring surrounding the city, following the river.
  • They reach the lake, and can see the island and the tower about 1/2 from shore.
  • They bargain with an unsuccessful fisherman for the use of his boat.
  • It is afternoon. They paddle out to the island. There is a sandy beach on one side where they land.
  • Beyond the beach, the island rises sharply, and is heavily wooded. They can see the tower from the beach, but as soon as they begin through the woods they lose it. They think it about 1/2 mile away.
  • 1/3 of the way to the tower, with Mick at the head of the marching order, he sees a 10' giant snake in a tree. Clearly one of the guardians beasts. The snake attacks, biting him. He saves vs. poison, but is badly hurt.
  • The party opens up on the snake with bows and crossbow. As it opens its mouth for another strike on Mick, Debi fires a crossbow bolt into its mouth, into its brain, putting the killing shot on it.
  • Simon heals Mick back up to full health
  • They continue up the hill until they are in sight of the tower, which is in a small clearing. It is not huge -- about 40 feed per side, and 45 feet high.
  • They skulk along the tree line and find the front door
  • There are two human guards wearing ragged clothing and chainmail. They look weirdly glassy-eyed.
  • The party does a plan...
  • Simon ritual casts Silence on the spot between the two guards. Luckly no more snakes attack while he's doing this. Mick, Debi, and Lorian are then able to kill them with arrows with no danger of they crying out.
End of session. The Odd Three and Lorian are still in the trees, having just slain two guards. There is still about 10 minutes of the silence spell left.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Session 14: The Eye of the Moon

  •  A month has passed since the last adventure
  • Debi is invited to the Eye of the Moon festival, right before the once every ten years astronomical event is to happen
  • Simon is tasked with representing the Temple of Ahki at the festival
  • Mick is approached by Slovas, a fellow thief and rogue, to work the crowed at the festival to see that valuables they can lift
  • Simon goes early to check out Festival Square
  • The festival starts
  • Mick and Slova pick some pockets for about 10 silver
  • Simon has a tent right next to the Temple of the Rat God tent. The Rat Priest heals someone and impresses the crowd. Simon sees someone with a rotten leg being wheeled up to the Ahki tent in a cart
  • Debi shows up and gets ready to entertain
  • Simon does a very theatrical job of healing the farmer with the injured and rotting leg, impressing the crowd with the Power of Ahki and making the Rat God priest look like an amateur.
  • Mick and Slovas fail to steal a fancy bracelet from a noble woman. One of her bodyguards kicks Slovas in the ass and sends him on his way. He pretends to be a drunk (always a good ploy).
  • The time approaches
  • Debi begins her set, on a small stage 20' in front of the large platform full of VIPs, including council members, the head of the Merchant's Guild and his 2nd in command, and various other dignitaries
  • A float looking like a 20' diameter moon is brought out on a cart. This Eye of the Moon has a 2' diameter pupil, the center of which is 13' up. The cart is release a red mist, to mimic the red mist that is covering the real moon as the "pupil" makes its way into position. The float has flame along its sides.
  • Debi sees an arrow slit open in the pupil, and a crossbow bolt narrowly missed the head of the Merchant's guild. She is on the stage with the VIPs and tackles him to get him out of the way. She sees another bolt being aimed, and used Mage Hand to close the slit, ruining the shot.
  • Mick sees that something is happening
  • Simon runs forward
  • Debi runs toward the float as does Mick. They see an assassin drop out of the float, crank a lever on the side of the cart, and run.
  • They chase. 
  • The circular moon float rolls off the cart, flaming, through the crowd, causing more chaos
  • Mick hit's the assassin with 3 magic missiles knocking him down
  • Simon arrives
  • The assassin gets up and runs
  • Debi casts Suggestion, making him slow down to talk. She casts Charm Person and gets him to stop and cooperate. He fails all the saves.
  • The PCs apprehend him, and he admits the 2nd in command of the Merchant's Guild paid him to kill the head of the guild.
  • The head of the council asks them to meet her at the council chambers the next day, saying "You are certain and odd three..."
Session over.
Elapsed time in campaign: 11 weeks
XP: 100 each

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sessions 12 & 13: Into the Garden

Thanks to Dyson Logos for the awesome map I used for this session.
  •  We resume the game in the now chaotic Battle Dome. 
  • A cleric jumps into the battle field and casts Spare the Dying on the ogre. Debi notices that the cleric, a small pale man in black robes, was seated next to Rivas in the stands.
  • Simon used his Jump Ring to get Mick and Lorian up into the stands. Before the last leap, he casts a healing spell on the ogre, restoring him to some level of health.
  • Too late, 6 guards and 4 mastiffs come out to get control of the battle field. The ogre is not fighting anymore. They are too late.
  • The crowd is going wild for the PCs.
  • Lorian wants to kill his promoter, Prat Swindle. He throws a knife at Prat, who is in the owners box, but misses. 
  • Debi casts Prestidigitation to show Lorian a small message - "Meet us at the Eye of the Beholder"
  • Prat starts moving through the crowded arena to escape, and Lorian follows Prat
  • The PCs decide to split up and leave the arena. 
  • Debi pulls up her cloak's hood and tries to blend into the crowd.
  • Simon does some jumps and dashes to get out
  • Mick ducks behind the vendor stands and casts Disguise Self, and then casually leaves Battle Dome
  • They go to the Eye, wondering what happened to Lorian. Mick hung out, using his disguise spell, in front of Battle Dome but did not see him leave.
  • After some time, Lorian joins them at the Eye, and they are then joined by their sometimes enemy Rivas Greel
  • Rivas greets them and explains he holds no animosity toward them. He has noted the magic dagger Mick was using -- the one he stole from Rivas. 
  • Lorian explains that Rivas pulled a few strings to keep him and the PCs out of trouble for what happened in Battle Dome. 
  • A discussion follows. They are indebted to Rivas, who has a task for them.
  • He has recently learned of a path to a secret underground garden created by a druid named Marta Lamortis in decades-past. It is said to contain an amazing carnivorous plant. He wants a seed from that plant. 
  • Rivas has the location of an entrance to the Under City. One from which the garden may be approached.
  • The PCs and Lorian agree to do the task.
  • Rivas tells them of a ruined guard tower in the Scumtown Maze. That is where they can start their search.
  • The PCs gear up for the job, and get a long rest.
  • The next day, the PCs and Lorian go to the tower, which they find to be mostly the ruined outer walls, surrounded by a 10 foot iron fence. Mick picks the lock on the gate.
  • They find the inside of the tower area to be full of rubble, but there is a small stone room with a door. They open it, and find stairs leading down
  • Going down the stairs they find an old armory. Lots of rusted weapons and armor parts, and two sets of very rusted plate mail armor. Mick enters the room first, and the two suits of armor animate and attack the intruders. 
  • Lorian takes some serious damage, as do Simon and Mick. Debi avoids damage. Eventually they destroy the two animated armors.
  • There is a door to a small closet. Simon finds a secret door, which leads to some stairs.
  • They descend the stairs a long way, finally coming to a boat dock on and underground stream. Looking down the stream, Mick uses Dancing Lights to illuminate an arched opening through which the stream goes. There are runes carved into the arch. The PCs try to read them. They are not arcane. Simon recognized one of the symbols as being a Druid symbol from the Old Religion. They think that is likely the way to the Druid's garden. They board the raft and are off.
  • After some time, using Dancing Lights and Simon's Light spell cast on his mace for illumination, they come to a fork in stream. One side has another carved arch. The arch has green slimy stuff  on it. They use a spell to burn it off before going through. 
  • The come to a huge domed chamber. The roof is carved with the Druid symbol. As they start across to the exit portal the water takes the shape of a Water Elemental of some sort. 
  • The elemental stops them and wants to know what business they have in the Garden. They explain themselves and the elemental is not impressed. Debi uses her Persuasion skill. We do a contest - Here skill vs the elemental's Wisdom. She wins easily. The elemental says something about the sign. They show the Druid sign to it using Dancing Lights. The elemental begrudgingly allows them to pass. 
  • As they go through, they see a small landing in the tunnel wall. The stop and pull the raft ashore.
  • They find a small habitation. Very old. Mick explores the back area. Debi finds the Druid symbol on a wall near the front. She traces her fingers over the design, and the outline of a secret door illuminates. She calls her companions and they open the door.
  • The find a passage into an amazing terraced garden. 
  • They begin to explore, going out into the garden. 
  • On the first terrace they find 2 trees, and see that the stream flows through each of the successive terraces, dropping 5' down for each. This terrace has violet-tinted light. Debit finds a statue of the Druid, Marta Lamortis, in one corner.
  • Simon casts Detect Magic. Find finds one of the trees radiating magic. They don't figure out what the magic is.
  • Mick looks down to the next terrace, which has yellowish light. The others join him. On the terrace below they see 2 faun statues and 3 trees. One of the trees has bit spiky leaves. Mick jumps down, landing on the thick ground-cover. Suddenly roots start moving, trying to ensnare his legs. He manages to use his dexterity to avoid being grappled, and from above Simon uses Sacred Flame to blast the roots. Mick gets back up to the upper terrace.
  • Jumping the stream, they PCs find a way around a huge tree on the other side on the lower terrace, avoiding the grappling roots and vines. 
  • They see the third terrace, illuminated with greenish light. Mick jumps down and find himself unable to hear anything. He calls out, and can't hear himself. Debi follows him, getting the same effect. Simon can see them looking confused. He leans out over the ledge, and gets the same effect. 
  • Simon and Lorian move down to the 3rd tier. Simon can detect a magic effect beyond the magic illuninating the entire garden. The nearest tree is radiating magic, and they assume it is a Silence spell effect. They look down to the next terrace, illuminated in blue. Across the stream they see a strange plant. Shaped like a human-sized egg, the main body is slimy and brown. There are four long slimly root/ tendrils laying flaccidly on the ground. Around the middle of the main body are numerous seed-like pods, and on top are two stalks with bulbous green ends. 
  • They decide this plant is likely the one with the seeds that Rivas has asked them to retrieve. Debi casts mage hand, and from a safe distance plucks away one of the cantaloupe-sized pods. As she brings it back it begins to pulse and move. She drops it in a leather bag. 
  • They descend to the next terrace, lit in an aqua color.  There they find a tree crackling energy. The bolts of energy are attracted to the metallic leaves of another strange tree. 
  • They hear a voice in their head. It is the energy tree, which is sentient. It warns them of the seed they are carrying. They converse with the tree, but return up the terraces the way they came, with the seed. It tells them the seed can only be planted inside a living being as host. They leave anyway.
  • They return to the original boat dock, pushing upstream with poles, and exit the complex.
  • Meeting with Rivas, the PCs and Lorian turn the bag with the strange seed to him. They don't feel good about it, but they owe him. He declares their debt to him cleared, and he and his bodyguard Larsh leave with the seed.

End of session.

XP: 425 each